Registration FILL Forms:
To save on
paper and ink, be sure to choose the form for your maximum sale items.
The Registration Forms and
Labels are pre numbered.
Please do not use
CAPITAL letters except for
Seller ID and where appropriate
due to limited space on
forms and labels.
All information should be entered on the Registration Form only.
Registration fill Form 1-10 items (232K)
last revision 09/07/06
- 2 page
(1 registration page and ˝
label page
Registration fill Form 1-20 items (253K)
last revision 09/07/06
- 2 page
(1 registration page and 1 label page
Auction Registration fill Form 1-30 items (312K)
last revision 09/07/06
- 4 page
(2 registration pages and 1˝
label pages
Auction Registration fill Form 1-40 items (334K)
last revision 09/07/06
- 4 page
(2 registration pages and 2 label pages
Auction Registration fill Form 1-50 items (387K)
last revision 09/07/06
- 6 page
(3 registration pages and 2˝
label pages
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